Friday, May 14, 2010

Wednesday Blue Print Meeting

Our Wednesday meeting went very well. It was less work than I thought it was going to be and was finished within about 15 minutes! They way it started out was we decided to try a faster new way to get to the office. We felt it was kind of silly taking the back roads and going west to get east, so we decided to go on a bit of a fact finding mission. We ended up going north on Sarcee (we could have gone Shaganappi it turns out) and then onto Stony Trail West. We took the Symons Valley Road exit and then left on 144 Ave. It was way quicker and we weren’t going back on ourselves! So yay! We also saw the complex we are going to be within 5 minutes of and tried to see what was close. It turns out we are also pretty close to Beacon Hill, so it works for the best. There really isn’t any place within walking distance, but I am sure with all the new communities that are coming in, there will be eventually!

Once we got to the office, Brad and Jevon asked us if we had looked over the preliminaries and we said we had. They asked if everything was looking ok, and we said that there were a few electrical things that we wanted changed. It turns out that we actually do that in the selection studio appointment we have on the 29th. So that was one less thing we had to do during the meeting. They also wanted us to know that to give us more space in our upstairs laundry they changed the side by side front load washer and dryer to a stacking front load washer and dryer. I was concerned about the size of them, but Brad showed us the ones in the show home and they are both full sized, just they stack! So that eased my mind regarding that, and I gave my ok. Mike also had some questions about the furnace, but it turned out that where the furnace was, wasn’t where he thought it was going to be. So we had no changes there. The rest of the meeting was taken by signing all of the copies of the drawings (which weren’t blue by the way) and signing our site visit agreement. Basically once the site is being worked on, we had certain rules to follow when we visit it.

Brad also explained our lot layout. Apparently we are going to have one of the biggest back yards in our area! He was actually getting really excited talking about it. He told us people are going to be jealous of it as it will be almost double the size of most of the yards. Thank you Brad for holding back this lot!! He also pulled our house far forward so that it increased our back even more. Since we also look onto 144 Ave (the horses seem to like to be close to the road, yay) the back of our house is going to be getting nicer window treatments, and the faux shakes that are on the front of the house will be mirrored in the back. Normally we wouldn’t have gotten that. This is just to have a nice look when people drive by. So that was great for us!

I believe that is all that we discussed. The grade on our lot isn’t too steep, but our poured sidewalk will have a step in the middle to make it look a little nicer. Brad let us know that the hole will begin within the next couple of weeks and that they will let us know when so that we can check it out! Once they start digging they will check this special software that estimates completion and let us know that date as well. Apparently the last version was about a month off, but with this new update they are within a couple of weeks. So that will be nice to have when we start planning the sale of our current place.

Depending on when they start our hole, my next update should be around the 29th when we have our first selection studio meeting! So excited, we get to shop for everything for our house!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Slow couple of weeks

Since my last blog post, a few things have happened. So instead of writing many little tiny posts, I have just conglomerated them into this one.

First of all we were contacted by the real estate agent that Brad recommended we deal with. After emailing back and forth, we decided to meet up at the end of May and have her scrutinize our house. This will give us time to patch up a few things around the place before she sees it and time to accomplish anything she might recommend we do before the house is listed. She seems like a very nice woman who knows her way around selling a house, so I am sure we will have no issues with her. It is the first time it has really sunk in that we will be selling our home and will be in a new one hopefully before Christmas!

We hadn’t heard from Brad or Jevon in a long time, so on Monday we decided to email them to check on progress. We weren’t sure if there would be anything we could be doing to expedite the process. Brad told us that we would be sending emails like this! Well, we got a response about an hour later letting us know that right now, there was nothing we could be doing and that the blue prints would probably be finished sometime in the next week or so. At that point they would contact us to go over them. Well we received them last night and made an appointment for next Wednesday. As of right now we have the preliminaries that we will pouring over in the next few days!

So that is it for now on the building front. I will hopefully post something a little meatier after our Wednesday appointment!